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save the whales

All my life I've felt a deep, spiritual bond with orca kind. They frequent my dreams so often, I swear I spent a past life in a pod. They're graceful, dangerous and among the most intelligent and cooperative creatures on the planet. Despite their unruly reputation, the only known attacks on humans have occurred between trainers and captive whales.

Native peoples of the Pacific Northwest have always been close with "killer whales". They're the clan animal of the Tlingit, Tsimshian, and Kwakiutl tribes. Artic natives such as the Iñupiat have a long history of communicating with whales through dreams. Many believe the soul of an accomplished hunter could become one of these magnificent creatures in their next life.

These pieces are mixed media. Materials include (but not limited to) colored pencil, watercolor, acrylic and found objects. The originals have been claimed, but prints and other merch are available here on my website. Just follow the store link the the bottom the page. Proceeds from these prints will go to restoring salmon runs and freeing up our relative's favorite food source. 

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